Note: A deeper group of smaller muscles (piriformis, obturator internus and externus, gemelli superior and inferior and quadratus femoris) are covered by the inferior half of gluteus maximus and are the lateral rotators of the thigh. They also help to stabilise the hip joint.
Superior gluteal artery:
Inferior gluteal artery:
Identify the points on the image:
The sacral plexus is formed from the anterior primary rami of L4–L5, S1–S4.
Note: The sacral nerves (S1-S4) emerge from the anterior sacral foramina and unite in front of piriformis where they are joined by the lumbar trunk (L4, 5) to form the lumbosacral trunk.
"The structures passing through the greater sciatic foramen above the piriformis are:
Structures passing through the greater sciatic foramen below the piriformis
Piriformis : Branches of ventral rami of S1 and S2.
Obturator externus : Obturator nerve L3 and L4.
Obturator internus : Nerve to obturator internus L5 and S1.
Superior gemellus : Nerve to obturator internus L5 and S1.
Inferior gemellus : Nerve to quadratus femoris L5 and S1.
Quadratus femoris : Nerve to quadratus femoris L5 and S1.
To surface mark the sciatic nerve:
The sciatic nerve usually passes beneath the piriformis in approximately 85-90% of the population. Other variations include: