Identify the points on the image
The extracapsular ligaments are the:
Note: All three strengthen the capsule and prevent an excessive range of movement of the hip joint. The ilio-femoral is the strongest of the hip ligaments (and one of the strongest ligaments in the body).
"The greater trochanter is the distal insertion of the following muscles:
The blood supply to the neck and head of femur can be broadly grouped into:
The external rotators of the hip are the:
Note: The superior and inferior gemelli join together along with the obturator internus to form the conjoined tendon.
The lateral approach.
The anterior approach.
The posterior approach.
Lateral approach:
Involves dividing the fibres of tensor fasciae latae, gluteus medius and minimus to expose the femoral neck. Further access can be obtained by detaching the greater trochanter from its gluteal insertions.
Anterior approach:
The incision is made between gluteus medius and minimus laterally and sartorius medially. The head of rectus femoris is divided and reflected to expose the anterior aspect of the hip joint. Further access can be obtained by detaching gluteus medius and minimus from the ilium.
Posterior approach:
The incision is placed in a curvilinear fashion over the posterior superior iliac spine to the greater trochanter and then continues
vertically downwards from this point.