Descends along the posteromedial aspect of the humerus and runs medial to the brachial artery.
In the arm it pierces the medial intermuscular septum and then passes posterior to the medial epicondyle and medial to the olecranon to enter the forearm.
Passes between the two heads of flexor carpi ulnaris to enter the flexor compartment of the forearm.
Runs alongside the ulnar border of the forearm deep to flexor carpi ulnaris.
In the distal forearm it lies lateral to FCU and medial to the ulnar artery.
Approximately 5 cm proximal to the wrist it gives off the dorsal cutaneous branch.
Passes superficial to the flexor retinaculum in Guyon’s canal where it divides into the superficial sensory branch and a deep motor branch.
Each nerve should be tested individually using isolated movements. Function and strength of the muscles supplied by the nerve should also be assessed.
Radial nerve:
Median nerve:
Ulnar nerve: