On the other hand, changing your perception of the behavior by telling yourself you have enough driving experience to text and drive safely will not have the same long-term outcome. Neuroscience research with animals is elucidating how the brain constructs and maintains the neural networks that support learning. One process identified, long-term potentiation (LTP), has features that parallel key aspects of learning. This is when the negatives of the addiction, including guilt and shame, can dominate the decisions they make. According to Beck et al., (2005), “A cognitive therapist could do hundreds of interventions with any patient at any given time”1). A careful functional analysis and identification of dysfunctional beliefs are important first steps in CBT.

cognitive dissonance and addiction

A reward system was implemented to incentivize the participants further to provide honest and thoughtful responses. Each participant who completed the survey could receive a 10 RMB WeChat red packet. This reward was intended to thank the participants for their time and effort in completing the survey and to encourage them to answer each question truthfully and to the best of their ability. The use of WeChat red packets as a reward was chosen for their ease of use and accessibility to the participants. Overall, these measures were taken to ensure the data’s quality and accuracy and promote high participation rates. In this study, 425 questionnaires were collected from July to October 2022 through an online questionnaire platform (Questionnaire Star, a Chinese professional platform that provides service of online questionnaire survey), and 11 invalid questionnaires were excluded.

1. Pan-Entertainment Mobile Live Broadcast Platform

The participants felt like hypocrites — but their intention to take the positive action increased. In order to explain this phenomenon, psychologist Leon Festinger presented the idea of cognitive dissonance. He explained that in order to maintain our sense of identity, we’re motivated to reduce inconsistencies in our self-image. Learning what cognitive dissonance is, why it’s so powerful, and how to manage it can put you back in the driver’s seat.

This study adds to the prior research by providing empirical evidence for the role of cognitive dissonance in discontinuous usage intentions of pan-entertainment mobile live broadcast platform users. Previous studies mainly centered on the discontinuous usage intention of social media users, and achieved many research results, mainly focusing on the following five aspects. Luqman et al. [33] verified the fatigue psychology of Facebook users who stop using it and introduced the effect of technical stress. Second, based on the “stressor-strain-outcome” model, it suggested that the strain variables, such as fatigue and fear of missing out, generated discontinuous usage intentions [11].

Implicit bias: How unconscious attitudes affect everything

The findings suggest that self-efficacy plays a negative role in regulating the impact of cognitive dissonance on discontinuous usage intentions, which provides important insights for the design and development of pan-entertainment mobile live broadcast platforms. The “cognition-emotion-behavior intention” framework has been widely used to understand user intentions, but it has largely been limited to the consideration of cognitive factors, such as attitudes and beliefs [94]. This study extends the traditional “cognition-emotion-behavior intention” framework by incorporating the concepts of cognitive dissonance and self-efficacy in the study of discontinuous usage intentions of pan-entertainment mobile live broadcast platform users. Cognitive dissonance, defined as the psychological discomfort experienced by a person who holds two or more contradictory beliefs or values [95], has been found to be a significant predictor of user discontinuous usage intentions in prior research [43]. Self-efficacy, or the belief in one’s ability to perform a task effectively [45], has also been shown to be a key determinant of user behavior in the context of technology usage [45].

Morphine inhibits LTP of neurons that exhibit inhibitory control of neural activity via the neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) (Nugent and Kauer, 2008). Inhibition of GABA activity could lead to an overall increase in neural activity throughout the brain, which might lead to the formation of stronger associations than would normally occur, including maladaptive cognitive dissonance and addiction drug-context associations. Someone recovering from substance abuse is not immune from the continuing battle with cognitive dissonance. Someone spiraling into addiction knows that what they are doing isn’t good for them on some level. Still, they find substance abuse a more comfortable path because it blocks unwanted ideas, feelings, and responsibilities.