The relations of the uterus are:
The branches of the posterior division of the internal iliac artery are:
The relations of the vagina are:
The levator ani has a broad insertion. The major contribution, pubococcygeus, passes back posteriorly from the pubis and forms a sling around the prostate in the male, or vagina in the female, and inserts into the perineal body. The puborectalis forms a sling around the rectum and anus, with insertions into the anal sphincter. Levator ani inserts into the coccyx as well as the median fibrous raphe between the coccyx and the anorectal junction
The innervation to levator ani and coccygeus arises from S3 and S4 nerve roots. The pudendal nerve supplies the perineal muscles, external urethral sphincter and external anal sphincter. Innervation of the anal canal inferior to the dentate line is from the inferior rectal (anal) nerves that arise from the pudendal nerve.