Station 8


"The larynx lies at the level of C3 to C6 vertebrae. "

The larynx consists of nine cartilages joined by a number of membranes and ligaments. The nine cartilages can be divided into:
3 unpaired (in the midline)
 Thyroid
 Cricoid
 Epiglottic
3 paired (bilateral)
 Arytenoid (x2)
 Corniculate (x2)
 Cuneiform (x2)

"The larynx is supplied by laryngeal branches of the superior and inferior thyroid arteries. "

The extrinsic membranes connect the laryngeal cartilage to the surrounding structures for support. They include the:

  • Thyrohyoid
  • Hyoepiglottic ligament
  • Thyroepiglottic ligament
  • Cricotracheal


The intrinsic membranes include the:

  • Quadrangular
  • Cricothyroid

Extrinsic muscles move the larynx as a whole.


  1. Suprahyoid (elevates the larynx)
  • Stylohyoid
  • Mylohyoid
  • Geniohyoid
  • Digastric muscle
  1. Infrahyoid (depresses the larynx)
  • Sternothyroid
  • Sternohyoid
  • Thyrohyoid
  • Omohyoid   
  1. Abductors/adductors (muscles to open and close the vocal cords)
  • Adductor: Lateral cricoarytenoid muscle (main), transverse arytenoids muscles
  • Abductor: Posterior cricoarytenoid muscles


  1. Sphincters (muscles to close the laryngeal inlet during swallowing)
  • Lateral cricoarytenoid
  • Transverse arytenoids
  • Oblique arytenoids
  1. Tensors (muscles to raise pitch of voice)
  • Cricothyroid muscle 
  1. Relaxers (muscles altering pitch of voice)
  • Thyroarytenoid
  • Vocalis  
"The intrinsic muscles move and alter the length and tension of the vocal cords and the size and shape of the rima glottidis. "

The laryngeal cavity may be divided into three major regions:

  1. Vestibule
  2. Middle (ventricle/laryngeal sinus)
  3. Infraglottic space
  1. Malignancy (30%) especially of the bronchus, oesophagus, thyroid gland, nasopharynx.
  2. Iatrogenic (25%) in thyroid, parathyroid, oesophageal, pharyngeal pouch and left lung surgery.
  3. External trauma (15%).
  4. Idiopathic (15%).
  5. Others (15%) in neurological disorders, myopathies.

The different types of vocal cord palsy include:

  • Unilateral or bilateral
  • Temporary or permanent
  • Bilateral recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy presents with stridor.

Note: Unilateral recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy presents with hoarseness
