How many levels of lymph nodes are there in the neck?
There are seven levels of lymph nodes in the neck and depending on the anatomical location they are classified from Level I to Level VII.
Where are Level I lymph nodes found?
Level Ia: Submental - between the anterior bellies of the digastric muscle
Level Ib: Submandibular – between the anterior and posterior bellies of digastric muscle
What is the clinical significance of enlargement of Level I lymph nodes?
Level Ia nodes can be enlarged from tumours or infection arising from the floor of mouth, anterior tongue, anterior mandibular alveolar ridge, and lower lip.
Level Ib nodes can be enlarged from tumours or infection arising from cancers of the oral cavity, anterior nasal cavity, soft tissue structures of the mid face, and submandibular gland.
What is meant by the jugular group of lymph nodes?
"These lymph nodes run vertically along the internal jugular vein from the base of skull to clavicle. They are divided into three levels by two transverse lines at the level hyoid bone and cricoid cartilage.
Where are Level II lymph nodes found?
The upper jugular or jugulodigastric nodes can be found in the anterior triangle of the neck at the following anatomical landmarks:
Anterior to the posterior border of sternocleidomastoid.
Posterior to the posterior border of the submandibular glands.
Along a line from the base of the skull to the lower border of the hyoid bone.
What is the clinical significance of enlargement of Level II lymph nodes?
"Level II nodes can be enlarged from tumours or infection arising from the oral cavity, nasal cavity, nasopharynx, oropharynx, hypopharynx, larynx, parotid gland and soft tissue of face and ear.
Where are Level III lymph nodes found?
The middle jugular nodes (level III) can be found in the anterior triangle of the neck at the following anatomical landmarks:
Anterior to the posterior border of sternocleidomastoid.
Along a line a line from the lower border of the hyoid bone and upper border of the cricoid cartilage.
What is the clinical significance of enlargement of Level III lymph nodes?
Level III nodes can be enlarged from tumours or infection arising from the oral cavity, nasopharynx, oropharynx, hypopharynx, and larynx.
What are the different types of neck dissections?
Block neck dissections can be classified according to the groups of lymph nodes removed and certain vital structures that need to be sacrificed into the following:
Radical neck dissection
Modified radical neck dissection
Selective neck dissection
Extended radical neck dissection
Briefly describe the groups of lymph nodes and structures that may be sacrificed in each type?