Availability of Places in Upcoming Events

Course Name Category Date Current Status
Cardiff MRCS OSCE Course: Five-Day Preparatory Course for MRCS OSCEPostgraduate02 April 2025Fully subscribed
Advancements and the Future of OphthalmologyUndergraduate05 April 2025Available
Advancements and the Future of OphthalmologyPostgraduate05 April 2025Available
South-West Surgery ConferenceUndergraduate05 April 2025Available
Cardiff MRCS OSCE Course: Five-Day Preparatory Course for MRCS OSCEPostgraduate09 April 2025Fully subscribed
Advanced Graf Ultrasound Course for the Diagnosis and Management of Dysplasia of the Infant HipPostgraduate28 April 2025Available
Cardiff MRCS(ENT) Course: Theory and Practice for Manned and Unmanned StationsPostgraduate03 May 2025Available
FRCS (Gen Surg) Viva Practice CoursePostgraduate06 May 2025Available
FRCS (General Surgery): Section I (SBA) Exam Preparation CoursePostgraduate10 May 2025Available
Intercollegiate Basic Surgical Skills CoursePostgraduate17 May 2025Available
ESSENTIAL SURGICAL SKILLS (and Principles for Aspiring Surgeons [ESSPAS])Undergraduate24 May 2025Available
ESSENTIAL SURGICAL SKILLS (and Principles for Aspiring Surgeons [ESSPAS])Postgraduate24 May 2025Available
Graf Ultrasound Course (Two-Day Basic Course) for the Diagnosis and Management of Developmental Dysplasia of the Infant HipPostgraduate23 June 2025Available
Cardiff MRCS OSCE Course: Five-Day Preparatory Course for MRCS OSCEPostgraduate10 September 2025Available
Cardiff MRCS OSCE Course: Five-Day Preparatory Course for MRCS OSCEPostgraduate24 September 2025Available
Intercollegiate Basic Surgical Skills CoursePostgraduate18 October 2025Available
Intercollegiate Basic Surgical Skills CoursePostgraduate29 November 2025Available
Cardiff MRCS OSCE Course: Five-Day Preparatory Course for MRCS OSCEPostgraduate07 January 2026Available
Cardiff MRCS OSCE Course: Five-Day Preparatory Course for MRCS OSCEPostgraduate21 January 2026Available